I wanted to do a little musing for Sinful Sunday, even though it should be mostly about the photograph – using this filter to try and hide my face made me think. I’ve not been that worried about my anonymity when it comes to being kinky until starting a sex blog. I work as a teacher, although I teach recreational classes to adults in a field that’s quite alternative. I’ve been to a fetish night with my boss. I’ve shown my mum pictures of the weird latex outfits I get to wear when I model. Being “outed” has never held that much concern for me. But now that I’m writing about my very personal life – especially because what I like to write is often dark or difficult – that’s started to change. And it’s not just myself I’d be compromising, but my partner too. I’ve also started to get involved in what I’d class as “sex-adjacent work” which is definitely not something I’m comfortable with my nearest and dearest knowing. So my stance on my online identity and how free I am with it has definitely started to change. Which is a shame, because taking photos that hide your identity can be difficult and downright frustrating!

Being "outed" has never held that much concern for me. But now that I'm writing about my very personal life - especially because what I like to write is often dark or difficult - that's started to change.
I love the picture and the filter using words to obfuscate your identity.
I relate to your reasons for protecting your identity, it a struggle I think about more and more.
You have the most beautifully shaped mouth.
On the subject of identity it is always makes me sad that we live in a world where something like could be a problem. I hope you find the balance that is right for you though
What a brilliant idea for a great picture. Love the title too.
I love the photo combined with the way you’ve managed to keep your anonymity. But sad that you need to do that
I have to agree with Molly, those lips are stunning. While it’s frustrating that we hide our identity, I kinda like the letters covering you in this image.
It’s a great image composition.
This is really thought provoking. I’m just dipping my toes in and concerned about my identity and the results. Beautiful and clever images!
The photo is stunning, and I too love the shape of your lips, and your nose ring. Sometimes hiding is the best thing to do, to be sure that we don’t harm those around us, but like Molly I am sad that we live in a world where we have to do this.
Rebel xox
Great idea for the image and a beautiful shot too
I think maintaining my anonyimity gives me greater freedom with what I feel able to share, so I get your standpoint totally.
You’ve been very clever in this image, and quite bold (I’m usually headless!) and I love the shape of your lips and curve of your breasts.
I do love a mask . . . and this is a very clever and quite captivating one.
Lovely !!!
Xxx – K
The anonymity is a pain ( one I share) but the edit just makes you look hotter in this image. Delicious.
I quite like this picture! I have long ago decided that I don’t care about people’s judgments anymore, even when it comes to my deepest and darkest pain, online I feel safe to express those things. Same with nudity, with sex stories. But in real life, I would not be able to look anyone in the eyes and talk about those things. Odd, really.
I understand your choices given the sad reality of so much judgementalness and stereotyping in this world. I have lived much of my life not being able to share and explore these most sacred and sometimes scarey parts of being human. I had a few friends and settings I could be open, vulnerable, and honest. I let the stereotypes of how I should behave and and think in my profession limit me for the sake of my healing work with others. I appreciate your sharing {and all of the bloggers I follow} for your honesty, your engaging we your readers in your celebrations & struggles, and for your sharing your vitality. You are helping me rediscover who I am and find clarity, inner healing, and direction for myself now.
I love the pose you’ve taken to. It has something very natural and pure and even with your eyes covered there is so much natural beauty. I love your lipstick and the nosering, your hair and bra. It’s a very pretty composition
A fabulous image. The jumble of letters is effective and arty at the same time. You have a beautiful smile. Your words were very thoughtful too and struck a chord with me.
I am so with you on this and find it frustrating and limiting too. Having said that you have created an image which is both sexy and interesting to look at 😊