Hello, I’m Zero. An averagely small, above-averagely strong, mildly feral human animal. I am drawn to things that are dark, twisty and slightly uncomfortable, so naturally that is what I am aiming to write about.
I find the subjects of suffering, control and pain endlessly fascinating to experience as well as write about. I like feeling the twist inside when things start to tip sideways into wrongness. I want to wiggle my way into those spaces, get my little claws firmly entangled in them and write about them here.
It’s worth noting that, unless otherwise stated, all of the photography on this blog will be of or by myself.
When not blogging I live alone with my cat. I spend a lot of time upside down, and even more time reading (but not, importantly, at the same time). I have a lot of strong and confused opinions on the subject of being submissive, which is a label I do not identify with in any way, but for the sake of clarity I am owned by and therefore property of Kristan X, which is – as he is currently hosting it – probably how you’ve discovered this blog.
About me, he says:

“Zero is a small, wilful animal ruled largely by her moment to moment impulses. She wants simultaneously to please and to rebel. She is incapable of controlling herself approx 50% of the time, but nonetheless we persist. She’s very pretty. Also very fuckable. Maybe that has something to do with it.”